Thursday 11 November 2010

The Window Block - In The Eighties

I featured the blocked window on the passageway to Sue's in Italy in an earlier post - here is (what I believe to be) my first ever photograph of it taken back in the late 80's. The endlessly inventive ways in which the opening is patched up is a treat. It puts me in mind of the artist Richard Wentworth and his 'Making Do And Getting By'.

Monday 1 November 2010

The Beauty in Rubbish

From a very early age I have always found quite a bit of beauty in rubbish. I was around 12 when we were having our end terrace wall rebuilt (it was in imminent danger of collapsing!) and had just acquired usage rights to my father's SLR. After the builder's had finished one afternoon I was struck by the symmetry in this small anonymous pile of rubbish.